A man’s life is like a journey. A man without an amvition is like a voat without a rudder. Ambitions play an important role in a man’s career. Satisfaction in life makes a man carefree. But a self-satisfied person become lazy. His progress stops. In this respect satisfaction proves to be a curse.
          ‘Think before you act and look before  you leap’ –is a wise saying. It means before doing a thing we must consider its pros and cons. Let me tell you first what i do not wish be.
          I do not wish to be a lawyer. A lawyer is a liar. Sometimes he misineterprets the law. For winning a case he misleads the judge and hides the facts, rather he tries to twist the reality. I have born hatred for a lawyer and his profession.
          Doctors save the life of patients. They should ve god-like. But these days the picture has changed. A doctor is a blood-sucking heartless animals. He tries to export money on one pretext or other.
          I wish to be a writer. It is my desire that i may work till my life ends. Pen should be in my hand and papers  before my eyes. Like Munshi Prem Chand, I wish to be a writer so that I may point out the evil ways of the world. May God grant my prayer !